Thursday, September 9, 2010

More reasons for rejecting the existence of God

My previous post on my reasons for rejecting the existence of god and the validity of Christianity was not exhaustive. If anything, I would consider those reasons that I gave to be my corner stone foundation. Over time, I will discuss more reasons for my rejection of the existence of God. Here is a list of most of them:

1. Biological Evolution

While there are theists who try to hold to evolution and sneak God in through the back door, such foolishness is unnecessary and disregards what evolution is about. Evolution is about how simplicity can give rise to complexity without the aid of a designer. It is how atheists are able to account for illusion of design in nature. The architect of all complex organisms on the planet is evolution by natural selection.

2. The argument from evil

This argument might seem like a rehash of the common argument from evil that most atheists utilize. I, however, take a slightly different approach. My individualized argument from evil has 3 categories:

A. The argument from foreknowledge

B. The argument from allowance and promotion of sin contamination

C. The argument from deterministic design.

Point C is the most fiercly resisted by Christians but I strongly believe that it stands strong and is a powerful argument against the existence of a loving God.

3. The argument from Non-belief.

Some Christians claim that an atheist's non-belief does not change the fact that the Christian God exists. As a matter of fact, it does.

4. The argument from scale.

This argument states that the universe is not how we should expect it if a God exists. This includes the vast size of the universe and the chaotic nature of the universe as well as life on earth.

5. Argument of the apathetic god.

Assuming that there is a transcendant infinite God then we have reasons to believe that such a god does nothing and could not have created the universe, let alone intervene in it.

6. Incoherency of divine creation.

A few points to keep in mind with this argument:

A. Something cannot come from nothing.

B. A timeless God cannot create out of nothing because of the problem of timelessness.

C. A God who exists in time cannot create due to the infinite time period that would have to elapse before the act of creating.

I will discuss these points in more detail in another post soon.

7. The argument against God's omniscience using Peter's afterlife

The concept of an afterlife invalidates the idea of an omniscient God.

8. God's personhood & timelessness

This argument essentially says that if God is timeless then he cannot be a person. This argument will be covered alongside the apathetic god argument because after that argument is drawn out, I need to address a legitimate objection to that argument utilizing this argument.

9. Imperfection from perfection

Christians cannot account for our imperfect world if they wish to define God as a perfect being.

All these arguments along with the ones I mentioned in the previous post comprise most, if not close to all my reasons for rejecting the existence of God. And considering all these reasons for rejecting the existence of God, I am baffled as to how theists can still continue to point to Psalms 14 and call me a fool.

I will discuss each argument in more detail in separate posts. Let us begin.

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